Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Maggie's 1st Laugh

Although we attempted to catch it on video but failed, Maggie laughed for the 1st time on Aug 5th, 2008. I was sitting at the computer doing some stuff for work when I heard it. I turn around to see Ryan on the couch with Kutter and Payton and they were collectively getting Mags to laugh. It was such a great sound and such a great moment. I was happy that they all were able to contribute to making Maggie so happy. Now, daddy has become the expert at getting Maggie to laugh on demand. He is also the expert at getting her to cry on demand too but that is another story for another time.

It is so great to have the laughter of a baby fill our home again! Love ya Mags!


Bridgette said...

Oh, how sweet! Can't wait to hear it!!

masonmadness said...

I love all their "first's". You are good to catch them on camera at all. I never film my kids and I really regret it! You are such a great mom! Your kids and husband are lucky!

Cherie Nelson said...

That is awesome! I'm sure that Ry is great at getting the kids to laugh... and cry! LOL

Unknown said...

Please try to record her laughing. It made me cry seeing the kids and reading your blog. This really is "the next best thing to being there!" The phone works well, too, but there is something about a blog. Tif, your blog is so cute. You are so funny and have such a way with words. I love you my baby girl! I'm so proud of you!!!!!

Melanie said...

I love that she is laughing. I am sure they all did a great job at making her laugh. I still remember the time that Kutter kept getting Payton to giggle over and over again. It is great that your kids love eachother so much!

Darice said...

Babies are so sweet and your little Maggie is definitely no exception to that rule!