Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Daddy Nail Salon

Payton and her daddy have a very special activity that they do together. They are called mani's and pedi's. Now you would think this would be an activity between a mother and a daughter. Not in our family! Payton refuses to let me paint her nails, she always wants daddy to do it. This has gotten so extreme that I have found Ryan wandering down the nail supply isle at Wal-Mart. He is checking out any tools that might make his nail painting skills more perfected. He has come home with everything from toe separators, to stickers, to tools to paint flowers on her big toe. He gets very into his nail painting responsibilities. Should I be worried? I love to see the two of them together when the Daddy Nail Salon is open for business.


Shelbee said...

That's the sweetest thing ever! It will be a great memory of her dad she can keep all her life. What a great guy to be willing to do that for her.

Nik said...

So cute and so hilarious! This means you have an absolutely great husband and father because most men wouldn't agree to this!